Proverbs 27:20 Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied. (KJV)
Our Nobel Peace Prize winning president is gearing up for yet, another war. This time around, Syria is in the Oval Office crosshairs. There is no doubt about it, Assad, like the late Saddam Hussein, is a wicked monster who deserves eternal justice sooner than later. But rather than planning methodically by considering history, and building a coalition of nations with a strategic plan, we are riding the emotion train. We have been on this train wreck before with other presidential administrations. For example - one word - Iraq.
The Obama "redline" has been crossed. This would be the second time that this happened, but apparently those WMD deaths from that first event didn't amount to enough human toll. Now we have concrete evidence that chemical weapons have been used against a civilian population. Thus war ships from Britain and the United States are trolling the waters of the Mediterranean. (Thankfully, family members of mine who were just there are now home safely.) Bellicose rhetoric, jittery trigger fingers, and a nonexistent, and incoherent Middle East policy, are leading the charge. The result will be more deaths and another war that we cannot afford. Our enemies will be more emboldened against us and our greatest friend in the region, Israel, will be thrown under the bus as they bear the brunt of retaliation. It is quite amazing how we treat our friends isn't it?
So what of the concrete evidence? James R. Corsi is reporting that it is actually the Syrian rebels who have used the chemical weapons on the innocent civilians. No doubt they would be trying to discredit the Assad regime and pull the United Sates and others into the fray.
Assisting the rebels? Get rid of one monster and what do you have left? We get some help to these questions from Jesus as He was addressing some scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 12:43-45 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when his is come, he findeth empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. This same principle applies to inhumane despots. We need to know who will take the throne. When the United Sates and our allies defeated Japan, General MacArthur had a plan for the new Japanese government.
Assisting the rebels? Why do we continue to aid false 'religious' fanatics who hunt down Christians and burn churches? We have given F-16's and borrowed money to them. So let's consider that investment. How many Christians dwell in Iraq today? What's it like to be a Christian in Egypt? How about Christian life in Libya? And the list goes on.
What to do. I agree with former UN Ambassador John Bolton that the problem is Iran. I would add to that equation Saudi Arabia. The Saudi's want Assad gone and so that's it - he is a marked man and a lost soul. Do you remember, where the bulk of 9-11 hijackers came from?
We need to plan methodically. This begins with the lessons of history. Back when Muammer Gaddafi was the Middle East Bad-Boy, president Reagan sent in a serious bombing raid into Libya. Muammer got the message so we didn't need boots on the ground. In fact, Gaddafi went on to assist the West in the 'former War on Terror'. Too bad for Muammer that the Saudi's wanted him gone also. Carefully planned, strategic strikes with brutal force can prevent boots on the ground. Strategy must include goals and exit plans. We just never seem to have any goals and exit strategy that can be communicated.
And then the most important factor of all - the God factor. In 2nd Chronicles chapters 13-16 in the Old Testament, we are reminded of poor King Asa of Judah. He had the example of his father King Abijah in trusting in God for direction before going into battle. The king also had the voice of prophets reminding him that God would not turn away from him if, he, King Asa would not turn from God and would trust in God. In the end, it was Asa not looking to God, and get this - turning to none other than Damascus for help. The result was he and his people were plagued with wars for the rest of his life. Psalm 127:1 Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, that watchman waketh but in vain. We need to seek out our Creator for guidance, or we are doomed from the get go. Human folly never ends well going all the way back to the Garden.
We are being led into another war by a president who has no real grasp of the political complexities of Isalm, the region, and the fate our very fragile economy. More importantly, he does not understand the true spiritual. Therefore, wars and the rumors of wars will continue. People will die horrible deaths. The stock market will go down, crude oil along with gold and silver will rise. And our standing as the leader of the free world will continue to decline. How tragic. How unnecessary.
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