The president might have given Selfie an extra push as he snapped a harmonious Selfie with the Prime Minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, and British Prime Minister David Cameron. The occasion of the Mandela funeral was the backdrop for this seemingly, poorly timed pic. While it did not cause an international incident, domestically, it might have, as the First Lady looked on, most un-approvingly.
When words are hung together in sentences they can begin to produces thoughts and ideas, humor and sadness, tragedy and comedy, poetry and song, and the list goes on. Words applied one after another have given us the Holy Bible, and other earthly treasures such as the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, Hamlet, Gone with the Wind, War and Peace, and the Gettysburg Address to name a few.
Regrettably, words have also been used for the agenda of evil. Adolf Hitler was a master orator. He used the power of words for his diabolical plan to try to eradicate the Jew from all existence as he attempted to seize control of the world. Hitler had compiled many words - written and spoken. To the shame of humanity, the outside world was turned inside, and we did not listen, and we did not hear the diatribes of a mega-maniac:
“If we consider how greatly he (the Jew) has sinned against the masses in the course of the centuries, how he has squeezed and sucked their blood again and again; if furthermore, we consider how the people gradually learned to hate him for this, and ended up by regarding his existence as nothing but a punishment of Heaven for the other peoples, we can understand how hard this shift must be for the Jew. Yes, it is an arduous task suddenly to present himself to his flayed victims as a 'friend of mankind.'”**
“The destructive
workings of Judaism in different parts of the national body can be ascribed
fundamentally to the persistent Jewish efforts at undermining the importance of
personality among the nations that are their hosts and, in place of
personality, substituting the domination of the masses. The constructive
principle of Aryan humanity is thus displaced by the destructive principle of
the Jews, They become the 'ferment of decomposition' among nations and races
and, in a broad sense, the wreckers of human civilization.”***
Words have meaning on the surface and between the lines. Confucius understood this as evidenced in this pithy wisdom from him, "Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more."Fast-forward to 2014. Continuous words of threat have been leveled at the tiny nation of Israel. The place where the surviving Jews have reclaimed their God-given, biblically described, homeland. Hitler is a large carbon print in the annals of modern history which has recorded the wickedness of man. But another menace lurks in the shadows. The enemy of the Jew today, is the nation state of Iran.
Much has been said about the Iranian view of the people of Israel. What follows is a sample:
March 21, 2013 "Israel's leaders sometimes threaten Iran, but they know that if they do a d---n thing, the Islamic Republic will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground."
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
April 16, 2013 "According to the Supreme Leader's statement marking Nowruz, if Israel acts foolishly, Tel Aviv and Haifa will be annihilated...The armed forces are prepared with all their power to execute the orders of the Supreme Leader in minimum time."
General Mohammed Hejazi Deputy Chief of Staff
April 18, 2013 "The army of Iran can by itself destroy Israel."
Major General Ataollah Salehi, Commander and Chief of the Iranian Army
May 1, 2013 "The destruction of Israel is the idea of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and is one of the pillars of the Iranian Islamic regime. We cannot claim that we have no intention of going to war with Israel!"
Ahmad Alamolhoda Member of the Assembly of Experts
May 2, 2013 "Every Muslim who does not want to fight Israel is violating religious law and is essentially forgetting Israel's crimes over the past 60 years on Islamic soil."
Mohammad Dehghan Member of the Majlis Executive Comitttee
June 9, 2013 "As the Supreme Leader has stated, if the Zionists cause any problems for Iran, Haifa and Tel Aviv will be annihilated. "
Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, Senior Military Advisor to the Supreme Leader
June 27, 2013 "If Israel launches even the smallest attack against Iran, Tel Aviv and Haifa will be annihilated..."
Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami Member of the Presidium of the Assembly of Experts
July 31, 2013 "We must spare no effort in liberating holy Jerusalem and cutting off the hands of the infidels from this holy site,"
Ayatollah Mohammd Reza Mahdavi Kani Assembly of Experts Chairman
July 31, 2013 "The day is near in which the sword of resistance and Islamic Awakening will cut off the blood supply of the occupiers of the holy land of Palestine."
Revolutionary Guards Statement
July 31, 2013 "If once the destruction and demise of occupying Israel was an impossible and unattainable dream, today, thanks to the historic and intelligent actions of Imam Khomeini, (the destruction of Israel) has become possible and is actually in the process of occurring."
Iranian Military of Defense statement.
August 2, 2013 "The Zionist regime will soon be destroyed, and this generation will be witness to is destruction."
Hojatoleslam Ali Shirazi Supreme Leader's Revolutionary Guards representative
August 2, 2013 "The only way to subdue the enemies is by refusing to compromise on the goals of the resistance and to remain strong, the future of criminal nations such as the Zionists will be erased from the history books."
Hojatoeslam Mohammad Hassan Akhtari Hizbullah Operations Liaison
and former Ambassador to Syria
November 19, 2013 "we will not abandon our (armed) struggle until the annihilation of Israel and until we will be able to pray in al-Aqsa Mosque."
Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi Commander of the Basji militia
November 21, 2013 "The day will come when the Islamic people in the region will destroy Israel and save the world from this Zionist base."
Hojatelesalm Alireza Panahian Advisor to the Office of the Supreme Leader in Universities****
Translation - if you tell somebody enough times that you are going to smash them in the face, it means, you eventually will. The learned sage known as Prof. History has proven this over and over again. Are we listening? Are we hearing? Will we stand by and watch with the volume down? Proverbs 18:21 captures this moment, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.
The good news is this - God will have the last word, Zechariah 12:8-9 In that day the Lord will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the one who is feeble among them in that day will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the Lord before them. 9 And in that day I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
Cool beans. God will have the last word...
**Volume One - A Reckoning
Chapter XI: Nation and Race
Chapter IV: Personality and the Conception of the Folkish State
****Iranian quotes taken from, Sworn to Destruction: What Iranian Leaders Continue to Say about Israel in the Rouhani Era, by Lt. Col. (ret.) Michael Segall & Daniel Rubenstein.