Ripe for the season of Zombies we have the
roll-out for the ObamaScare Dancing Medicine Show, or what I call the OBSDMS.
The first thing to do is to take a pulse
on the program. I believe a good doctor asks the right questions. So what do we
Echoing across the land we hear medically
incorrect questions. Questions like, ‘What did we know?’ and ‘When did we know
it?’ Sound familiar? These questions, and more like them, are now being asked because
the OBSDMS roll-out has become a fold-up. The patient is flat-lining. How could
this happen? Who did it? Thus the Capitol Hill hearings go on in search for the
We have been told that, once again, our
president was misinformed. You see, the buck can’t stop at the Oval Office if
it never gets there. In the end, that’s probably a good thing since the buck is
worth a whole lot less than it was back in the days of Harry Truman. Web Sites For Dummies is now
all the rage. And to be honest, I really could use a copy of that book myself.
P.S. Okay, Snowden, you can come back now.
Since we have a Dancing Medicine show in
the OBSDMS we must ask, what is the dance of choice? Well, tap-dancing, of
course. Our current performer is none other than Kathleen Sebelius. Will she
make the final final of Dancing with the Stars? Maybe, but employment in the
future may be difficult for her. The good news though, if she loses her job,
she will be able to get health insurance…if she can get through on the website.
Sebelius joins a notable list of other
tappers who have become the fall-guy, I mean fall-gal, for failed presidential leadership.
Consider the following:
Nancy Pelosi
– OBSDMS: “So, that’s why I was saying we have to pass a bill so we
can see so that we can show you what it is and what it isn’t.” These
few chilling words may say more about the extreme infirmity of our democratic
republic than anything else.
Susan Rice
– Benghazi: “This is a response to a
hateful and offensive video that was widely disseminated throughout the Arab
and Muslim world…” Two weeks after the attack she was clinging to this
story. By that time, even my Blue Heeler dog knew the ‘film that nobody ever
saw’ story was BALONEY.
Hillary Clinton
– Benghazi: “What difference at this point
does it make?!” Perhaps we should ask the families of four dead American soldiers
what difference it makes. Meanwhile, justice weeps tears of blood.
Lois Lerner
– IRS: “One of the basic functions of the
5th Amendment is to protect innocent individuals. And that is the protection
I'm invoking today.” Translation: ‘I will hide behind what is left of the very
document we have been shredding.’
Kathleen Sebelius
– OBSDMS: “Yes, he is.” Her response when asked if the president was keeping
his promise.
Tap-dancing, or just give me “Taps”?
I know that the rules of engagement in
the 21st century include women on the front lines. Clearly, not only
is the president leading from behind, but he is hiding behind these women. But
what is even more troubling is that they are covering the destroyer, so he can
continue to destroy. In other words, they are promulgating a culture that would
please the leader, and further the cause. You do remember the cause don’t you –
“Change is coming to America.” You have to admit, that campaign promise has
been kept.
World history has not been immune to
this infection. We saw this behavior of promoting and anticipating the thought
processes of an ideologue permeate Nazi Germany. For example, in John Toland’s
classic book, The Last 100 Days, p.
74, Toland shares private letters
between Hitler’s private secretary, Martin Bormann, and his wife, Gerda. It is
near the end for Nazi Germany, yet they both hold out a false hope for Hitler’s
Nationalist Socialist agenda. In one of those letters from Gerda to Martin, she
writes, “…the Fuhrer has given our idea
of the Reich, which has spread-and is secretly still spreading-throughout the
world. The unbelievable sacrifices our people are making-sacrifices they are
capable of making only because they are imbued and possessed with that idea-are
proof of its strength and show to all the world how just and necessary our
struggle is.
One day the Reich of
our dreams will emerge. Shall we, I wonder, or our children, live to see it?...”
Back when president Clinton was ensnared
in his Impeachment hearings, I was asked what I thought about the whole mess.
My response should not surprise. Like so many other people, I was greatly
saddened by events which led to the Impeachment trial. But I was concerned
about a greater threat. I said that while we watch the circus, because that is
exactly what that trial was, while we watch, our enemies are gathering against
us. Recent history has shown us that is exactly what Al Qaeda was doing.
Well, folks, step right up. The circus
is back in town. And we are distracted. Gerda's dream has become our nightmare. Our enemies, external and internal,
are gathering. Women with a bully-pulpit are fodder for an idea that is
imploding all around them. The rest of us, well,... we have become a nation of
Mambo anyone?